If you would like to participate or view more Pink items click on logo above. Thank you Beverly for being our hostess.

This is one of those shots which needs to be in the delete pile; but I have been told to save all my images. So I worked on this photograph in a program called Picassa. I thought and thought and thought some more until it came to me, the lake water needed more movement. I changed the background to purple, to green I used several colors until I thought mmmmm black makes the Pink color pop. Then I got goofy and wanted to see through the water as if it was parchment paper. Tah, dah! Remember this is my first attempt at doing this kind of work. Five years from now, I will probably be saying "What was I thinking?" rofl
Today is a full schedule. Plan on doing most of these things on my list but who knows?
Wash the kitchen floor.
Do errands.
Read email.
Check out what was posted for Pink Saturday on other blogs.
Go on a photography shoot--the list is a mile long of images that I saw and wanted to go back too. Depends on lighting for this goal.
Pray that our Eastern Seaboard friends will be safe.
I am glad you dropped by to visit. Meanwhile, take care. Time for me to go make breakfast and start the day. I hope to see you next week.