“All images, copyright of the photographer and may not be used in ANY form without express WRITTEN permission from the photographer.”
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Skywatch Friday: Season 5, Episode 4
If you would like to view skies from all over the world click here: http://skyley.blogspot.com/. Thanks to the Skywatch Team.
Sunset while enjoying a cruise on the Connecticut River, Middletown, Connecticut. Thank you John for all the moments, hours, days, months, years we have shared together.
Quote 432 Rhonda Byrne
"If you are complaining about things in your life, you are on the complaining frequency, and you are not in a position to attract what you want. Get on to the frequency of good with your thoughts and words. Firstly you will feel good, and secondly you will be on the frequency of receiving more good."
...Rhonda Byrne
From The Secret Daily Teachings
...Rhonda Byrne
From The Secret Daily Teachings
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Quote 431 Author Unknown
"The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart."
...Author Unknown
...Author Unknown
5/30 Outdoor Wednesday #177
If you would like to participate or view other blogs who have posted an Outdoor Theme click here: http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/. Thank you Susan for being the hostess.
While visiting Hartford, Connecticut area, I discovered Elizabeth Park.
This arch
Plus all these arches
A close-up of one arch
A just for fun shot taken through a garbage can lid opening of many arches
All these arches surround this gazebo. This park has to be breathtaking when all 15,000 roses are in bloom.
Many events are scheduled: Farmers Market, Concerts held on the lawn, Poetry Reading and there is always the Pond House to enjoy food and good conversation for lunch or dinner.
Need more information click here: http://www.elizabethpark.com/
So glad you stopped by. Meanwhile, take care. See you next week.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Quote 430
“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control."
...Elizabeth Gilbert Eat Pray Love
...Elizabeth Gilbert Eat Pray Love
Gasp Moments
Recently my husband John and I were flying Cape Air from Boston to Rockland, Maine. It was a small plane with around 12 seats give or take a few. There were seven of us travelling counting the pilot. We were experiencing fog. Personally, I do not know how the pilot was able to see another plane around the area or even see a place to land if something went wrong. I had to turn my life over to the universe which I seem to do everyday anyway. But, this was a gasp moment for me.
Being a claustrophobic person, I found it very hard to sit next to the window. The only saving grace was that John was sitting next to me and somehow I felt safe with him there. I kept telling myself that I am ok. Everything will be alright. It is only an hour ride then it is over. My critic was not allowed to take over those moments in the air.
Five days later, we arrived at this quaint Rockland, Maine airport willing to fly back to Boston area. The only difference was we had a clear blue sky returning to Boston area. My gasp moment turned into an experience that we both will never forget. Fear did not rule. Would I do it again? Sure without a minute hesitation; but I am a person who likes to travel and discovers something to wonder about daily.
Here is information about Cape Air http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Air.
Being a claustrophobic person, I found it very hard to sit next to the window. The only saving grace was that John was sitting next to me and somehow I felt safe with him there. I kept telling myself that I am ok. Everything will be alright. It is only an hour ride then it is over. My critic was not allowed to take over those moments in the air.
Five days later, we arrived at this quaint Rockland, Maine airport willing to fly back to Boston area. The only difference was we had a clear blue sky returning to Boston area. My gasp moment turned into an experience that we both will never forget. Fear did not rule. Would I do it again? Sure without a minute hesitation; but I am a person who likes to travel and discovers something to wonder about daily.
Here is information about Cape Air http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Air.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Thinking Outside the Box and Quote 429
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."
...From a headstone in Ireland
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Quote 428 Dalai Lama
"The practice of patience protects us from losing our composure. In doing that it enables us to exercise discernment, even in the heat of difficult situations. It gives us inner space. And within that space we gain a degree of self-control, which allows us to respond to situations in an appropriate and compassionate manner rather than being driven by our anger and irritation."
...Dalai Lama
...Dalai Lama
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Quote 427 Wayne Dyer
"If you find yourself in a confrontation of any kind with anyone, be it a family member or a stranger, before reacting ask yourself, "Is what I am about to say motivated by my need to be right, or my desire to be kind?" Then pick a response that stems from kindness, regardless of how your ego objects."
…Wayne Dyer
…Wayne Dyer
Friday, May 25, 2012
Quote 426 Seng Ts'an
"Stop talking, stop thinking,
and there is nothing you will not
and there is nothing you will not
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Skywatch Friday - Season 5, Episode 46
If you would like to participate or view other skies from around the world click here: http://skyley.blogspot.com/. Thanks to the Skywatch Friday team.
Frenchman's Bay
Bar Harbor, Maine
Sunrise, May, 2012
FYI: This image is straight out of the camera. All that was done was cropping and signature.
Frenchman's Bay,
May 2012,
Skywatch Friday,
Quote 425 Albert Schweitzer
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think, with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. ...Albert Schweitzer
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Quote 424 William Wordsworth
"Tis my faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes."
...William Wordsworth
...William Wordsworth
5/23 Outdoor Wednesday #176
If you would like to participate or view posts with an Outdoor Theme click here: http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/. Thank you Susan for being the hostess.
Every Spring I anxiously await to view a carpet of white trilliums in the Forest Preserve, Skokie, Illinois. The wonder of it all is these flowers grow right near a very busy intersection with a stop and go light and yet these trilliums quietly flower and then disappear for another year. I stand in awe of their beauty. Then after I catch my breath, I turn on the camera and record what is seen.
Need more information about trillium click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trillium.
So glad you visited. Come back next week if you have time. Meanwhile, take care. Aloha!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Thinking Outside The Box and Quote #423 James Montgomery
"The tulip's petals shine in dew,
all beautiful, but none alike."
...James Montgomery, On Planting a Tulip-Root
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Quote 422 Pearl S. Buck
“Love cannot be forced, love cannot be coaxed and teased. It comes out of heaven, unasked and unsought.” ...Pearl S. Buck
Monday, May 7, 2012
Thinking Outside the Box
"The true method of knowledge is experiment." — William Blake
Different colored tulips were planted outside Skokie Hospital, 9600 Gross Point Road, Skokie, Illinois 60076 in a beautiful display. This one tulip appeared in the shots taken that cold and windy day and I just had to work on it in Picasa. I wanted the pedal edges to look like a woman using mascara on her eyelashes. I wanted the pistil and the stigma to be the main focus. The anther was needed to appear sofly, quietly and alluring to insects. Font used was Paprus. And here is the finished product.
Quote 421 Robert Brault
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
...Robert Brault
...Robert Brault
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Quote 420 Dale Carnegie
“It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.”
...Dale Carnegie ~
...Dale Carnegie ~
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Quote 419 Buddha
"Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
Friday, May 4, 2012
Quote 418 Joel Osteen
"We may get knocked around on the outside, but the key to living in victory is to learn how to get up on the inside."
...Joel Osteen
...Joel Osteen
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Quote 417
"Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best."
...Henry Van Dyke
...Henry Van Dyke
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
5/2 Outdoor Wednesday - #173
If you would like to participate or view blogs who have posted an Outdoor Theme click here: http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/. Thank you Susan for all your hard work every week to make this post possible. We all appreciate you!
These tulips are blooming in our yard. Don't they look like venetian glass?
Thanks for visiting this week. Hope to see you again. Meanwhile, take care.
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