Today it was a chilly fall day. New merchandise was available to purchase for both Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays at the Starbuck's counter inside our neighborhood grocery store. The clerk suggested peppermint this and cranberry that. mmmm, it all sounded so sweet, tasty and delicious. I decided to indulge in a Hot White Chocolate. What a treat!
Then I went to the library to obtain books on hold, prepared dinner, started a load of laundry and did the dishes. Finished just in time to watch DEATH OF A HOLLOW MAN, Midsomer Murders. Mystery stories are v-e-r-y interesting to me at this point of my life. I'm not sure why. I also like to read biographies and self help books.
To participate or view blogs who have posted an Outdoor Wednesday theme click here:
http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com. Thank you Susan for being the hostess.

Photo: Fernando at Saddlebrook Farms, Grayslake, Illinois, November, 2010.
Photo: Pawprint shot through glass window, Harvard, Illinois-2010.