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Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20, 2015 - Skywatch Friday - Sailing Class, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Greetings and Salutations!
If you would like to view skies from all over the world click here:  skyley.blogspot.com.  
Our Skywatch hosts are:  Yogi, Sandy and Sylvia.  

Sailing Class at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 


  1. Pretty scene and sky. Happy skywatching, have a great weekend!

  2. Nice placid scene-- the weather reports I get from our Chicago area family sound as if those sails would really be full right now (if you could see through the snow!).

  3. Delightful photo of sails and sand!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. The blue sky really makes a nice background for the sail boats.

  5. Hello, Wonderful photo of the seaside with blue sky. I wish I could have a chance to ride one of these sail boats♡♡♡
    Thank you SO much for your sweet comment on my 16th post. I REALLY appreciate it, Dear friend.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*
