Howdy Folks! If you would like to view Outdoor Themes this is the place: Thank you Susan for being the hostess.
Lake Michigan. Each winter the snow and ice looks different. This year instead of hills of snow and ice I saw thin slices of ice washed ashore. It looked like someone had actually used a meat slicer in the deli to do this. Amazing isn't it?
February brings warmer temperatures. Some ice is left floating on the open water in the bay. Bahai Temple is in the background.
"One of the most satisfying feelings I know - and also one of the most growth - promoting experiences for the other person - comes from my appreciating this individual in the same way that I appreciate the sunset. People are just wonderful as sunsets if I can let them be. In fact, perhaps the reason we can truly appreciate a sunset is that we cannot control it. When I look at a sunset as I did the other evening, I don't find myself saying 'Soften the orange a little on the right hand corner, and put a bit more purple along the base, and use a little more pink in the cloud color.' I don't do that. I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds."
~ Carl Rogers