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Monday, February 10, 2025

Thinking Outside the Box - Moments in Time - Quote - Corinne Bailey Rae - Celebrating

Image 0126D Moments in Time IV
Quote: "I think that every day should be savored, and so a lot of 'Stop Where You Are' comes out of that idea that life is really precious, the people around us are precious, and every single moment is worth celebrating." ~ Corinne Bailey Rae


  1. Replies
    1. First time I have seen you comment on Thinking Outside the Box instead of SkyWatch Friday. Thanks for stopping by. I usually play with images on Monday or Tuesday and post. My creative side is at a peak.

  2. Directional lighting creates such a strong mood!

    1. Mood is important to include in a photograph whenever possible.

  3. Yes, I agree. Thats indeed a good quote. Thank you for sharing. And the capture is wonderful!
