“All images, copyright of the photographer and may not be used in ANY form without express WRITTEN permission from the photographer.”

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August 1, 2017 - Thinking Outside the Box - Absence - Quote - Georgia O'keeffe - Unknown


Among the photographs that I took on 4th of July, low and behold, here was this image.  I kept the trees as silhouettes, the moon is just a bright spot in the sky and should of been photographed better; but instead I concentrated on layers of blue that was happening in the shot.  I noticed the absence of stars.  So, that is why this image is called Absence.  This image touches my soul.  It speaks of silence.  Loneliness.  Unknown. Layers of mind and spirit.  And now, I ask, how does this photograph speak to you?  I'd like to hear your comments.


"Making your unknown known is the important thing---
and keeping the unknown always beyond you."
~ Georgia O'Keeffe


  1. Your photograph is beautiful, what a capture. The fact there are no stars make is unique. When I am surrounded with celestial views it renews my faith.........

  2. The word absence made me think someone was gone and you could feel their absence.

    Why didn't the stars show up?
